HomeLCC Faculty Research Journal vol. 13 no. 1 (2019)





This study aimed to determine the extent of implementation of the Katarungan Pambarangay and its impact to the settlement of disputes. This study involved two groups of respondents : the community members and the Barangay Officials. The study involved four barangays in Lipa City. Antipolo Del Sur with a population of 6,855 with 4 reported cases in which 29 are resolved and 15 unresolved; Poblacion Barangay 9 with a population of 448 in which all five cases were resolved, Anilao Labas with a population 33 population with 33 reported cases in which 26 were resolved and 7 unresolved; and Pagolingin West with a population of 1,465. It has nine recorded cases where in 5 were unresolved. The respondents of the study were barangay officials and community members who brough disputes at the Katarungan Pambarangay. The study covered cases handled and decided by the barangay from 2018 up to present.


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