Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of nursing staff regarding depressive disorders in a private hospital in Quezon City, Philippines
Hecil A. Cruz | Melissa Paulita V. Mariano
Introduction There is limited data regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of nurses
towards psychiatric disorders in the Philippines. Hence, this study aimed to assess the KAP of nursing
staff in a tertiary hospital on depressive disorders and determine differences in their KAP in relation to
sociodemographic variables.
Methods The study, which involved 116 Filipino nurses, was divided into two phases. Phase 1 was the
creation and validation of a KAP questionnaire, and Phase 2 was a descriptive cross-sectional study to
determine the KAP of the nurses using the validated questionnaire. Frequencies and differences in KAP
scores in relation to sociodemographic variables were analyzed using independent t-test, ANOVA and
chi-square via SPSS v.24. Ethics approval was secured for both phases of the study.
Results The questionnaire was validated after two rounds of expert validation. Phase 2 results revealed
that the mean knowledge of nurses was lower than expected. They had overall good attitudes, with nurses
without previous mental health work experience having higher attitude scores towards functioning and
prognosis. However, specific negative attitudes were noted. Overall, good practices were also noted, with
42.2% of the sample having had encountered a depressed patient at work and male nurses having higher
practice scores compared to females.
Conclusion The nurses had overall good attitude and practices, but still had inadequate knowledge and
some negative attitudes towards depressive disorders. This signifies the need for continuing mental health
education among nursing staff in the Philippines.
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