HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 1 no. 2 (2022)

Flour-Based Paint as an Effective and Efficient Alternative to Pb-Based Factory-Made Paint in Common House Paint

Ma. Luise Ellie M. Yamson | Alec Gabriel C. Estrera | Ervin Lloyd B. Pascual | Juan Gabriel C. Teodoro



This study aimed to examine an alternative to the Pb-based factory-made paint usually used in building construction. The researchers have focused on making the flour-based paint contain materials that are convenient and easy to find, comparing the results of each test to see if the flour-based paint can be as effective as usual factory-made paint. The researchers conducted the experiment and analyzed the results. This is to decide whether the results would support the study or not in relation to finding a genuine, sturdy homemade house paint that can last for years that is affordable, convenient, and accessible to everyone who has the proper material and ingredients to do so. As a result, the researchers found that flour-based paint is on the lower end than factory-made paint. Of the three tests done on both paints, the factory-made paint always did better than the flour-based paint. On the contrary, flour-based paint was more harmless than the fumes released from the factory-made paint. Though the flour-based paint that the researchers made has its flaws and imperfections, the researchers found that flour-based paint could be a substitute for paint. It is a decent alternative to factory-made paint. The substance of the paint was affordable, and the paint itself was environmentally friendly. The researchers found that flour-based paint can be an alternative to everyday factory-made paint.