HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

The Impact of a Poor Home-based Learning Environment and Its Intervention on the Learning Process Among Selected Senior High School Students

Angelbhie Abar



As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, some are slowly getting back on track again, yet many are still devastated. The streets are still not allowed to be walked on by many people, work industries are still on hold, countries are still on lockdown and the vaccine has not reached half of the population yet, especially in the Philippines. However, people must keep on moving forward. In the Philippines, the government continued to allow the authorities in the business industry to operate as well as the education sector to still open the school year but in an online set-up, despite the Philippines being infamous for its slow internet connectivity. This is the very reason why the researcher conducted this research study. This study sought to determine how a poor home-based learning environment affects the learning process of senior high school students from a certain private school in Manila enrolled in an online class. This is to help the teachers find an alternative solution to match the students’ learning capabilities while suffering from a poor home-based learning environment during online classes. In addition, this study was initiated for the students to monitor and im prove their behaviors during online classes and for the parents to know what to avoid during their children’s online classes.


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