HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

The Impact of Gay-Lesbian Parenting Style to the Social Development of their Children in Calamba City, Laguna

Daisyrie Peñaflorida | Kaila Vasquez | Marry Ann Villanueva



The study assessed the parenting style used by the gay and lesbian parents in rearing their children and the impact of these parenting styles to the child’s social development. The study also characterized the parents and their children in terms of age, educational attainment, source of income, income from all sources, religious affiliation, and the child’s school performance. Through a mixed method research design, quantitative and qualitative data were gathered by using a Likert Scale questionnaire, structured interview, observation and recording materials. As data were analyzed, the obtained highest mean scores in the statements in the Likert Scale helped the researchers to code and create themes for thematic analysis. The gay and lesbian parents were from Barangays Kay-Anlog, Parian and Halang in Calamba City, Laguna. Some of them were single parents with minimum income. The children were studying and were rated as average in their school performance. Most of the parents belonged to the age bracket 50-55 and finished high school. Their wage income was at minimum range and could barely support their family of more than five members. The children’s ages were 14 to 15 and they were in their Junior High. The school performance of the children was affected by the responsibility at home when the parents go to work. The gay and lesbian parents were using permissive style in managing their children. The parents had low demandingness but high in responsiveness and explained the reasons behind their rules. Based on the interview with teachers, they affirmed that the school performance and the social interaction of children of heterosexual parents do not differ from those of homosexual parents. The study was recommended to the Department of Social Welfare and Development and Non-Government Organizations to help the parents in their livelihood and to conduct seminars to enhance their skills in parenting and in rearing their children. For the LGBTQ members and parents, to be aware of how they rear their children and improve it. For the future researchers, to explore more about LGBTQ and to add new variables and locales and to change the age range of the children.