HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

Effect of Work-Life Balance towards Employee Engagement in a higher Institutional Education

Andrea Kate B. Redondo | Camille Joy T. Limongco | Jenell Karlo J. Lopecillo



Faculty members have a critical role in the distribution of information, development of knowledge and values that the students should be able to apply in their daily lives and when they work in the industry. There are many determinants of employee engagement, but the researchers chose only work-life balance because the HEI provides a Human Resource Program that helps in achieving work-life balance that if positively taken by the faculty members will result in a high level of employee engagement. This study explored the significant relationship between the work-life balance and employee engagement of the faculty in a higher educational institution or HEI. To ensure the accuracy of the findings, the researchers used mixed method, with the interview results as supporting data for the quantitative results. The study was conducted in Higher Educational Institution (HEI) with 59 permanent/regular faculty as respondents. Findings revealed that poor work and non-work-related balance could affect their job performance and engagement to the organization. Employee engagement was linked to the satisfaction of the customers and to the success of the organization.