HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 19 no. 1 (2023)

The Establishment of an Optimum Water and Electrical Preventive Maintenance Service in the Construction Firm

Ralph Joshua Reformo | Kurt Russel Rescar | John Patrick Onofre



JRK Maintenance Company offers preventive maintenance of electrical and plumbing for the low house units and villages. The combination of the two maintenance services would be an improvement of the other preventive maintenance. To determine the feasibility of the proposed service, the researchers disseminated survey questionnaires to eight construction sites/villages. Findings revealed that 5 out of 8 or 62.5% of the target market were willing to accept the proposed service. The researchers also interviewed an electrician and plumber to identify the minor and major problems on maintenance. The proposed service is designed to maintain a safe house and reduce accidents and emergencies. The marketing strategies to be adapted are the use of posters, flyers as well as social media. The location of business would be in San Miguel, Sto. Tomas, Batangas. The firm would buy the materials and equipment locally because they are cheaper. The proposed service would adopt general partnership as their form of organization. The estimated capital requirement for the proposed service is Php2,549,739.93. The project would create opportunities for employment in the community. The taxes to be paid to the government may add funds to government projects and programs. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommended that the business introduce more maintenance services that can affect the consumers’ needs. Since there will be an expansion of the business due to an increase in demand, the business should increase their operators/workers to cater to all the demands in the market. Having a lot of workers can also increase the task and help the business to compete in the market.