A Comparative Study of Digital Transformation among The Emerging Economies in Asia and Africa during 2001-2020
Puja Sunil Pawar
Discipline: Social Science
The purpose of this paper is to undertake comparative analysis examining
the amount of digital transformation that took place in the selected Asian
and African countries during 2001-2020. The study chose 10 emerging
economies, from Asia and Africa, namely, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Sudan,
Morocco, Pakistan, China, Japan, India, Indonesia. The sample countries
selected showed major impact of digital transformation in their regions. The
study emphasizes on analyzing qualitative data using scientific literature and
quantitative data were examined using simple Microsoft Excel program.
Pivot tables were used to summarize the calculations. The average, maximum
and minimum values were calculated for all selected countries in both
continents to avoid data confusion, and then the maximum value and the
minimum value were calculated for each variable to show the data more
clearly. The study found that all the chosen variables, the number of internet
users and the percentage of rural and urban population were affected by
digital transformation, resulting in shift of people from rural to urban areas
for better digital access and infrastructure, but it majorly affected some poor
African countries as compared to Asian countries. As a matter of fact, the
governments in these countries must focus in their policies on investments
to develop more digital infrastructure in all the regions of the country and
not just in the developed cities or urban regions. This is important to curb
migration of people for digital access. Thereby creating imbalances in the
rural urban population and widening digital gap.
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