HomeUniversitasvol. 10 no. 1 (2022)

Correlation of Social, Spiritual, and Emotional Intelligence of Nursing Students at the University of Makati

Esmeraldo C. De Las Armas IV



Intelligence is the capability of an individual to think, learn, and reason. Also, to gain knowledge from experience, decipher challenging situations, and adapt to the new norm. A month after the implementation of the Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ) to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 disease, the study was conducted to further understand how will nursing students adapt to these challenging changes. Also, the relationship between nursing students’ social, spiritual, and emotional intelligence. The study utilized the descriptive-quantitative design to answer the following research questions: the demographic profile of the Nursing Students, Social Intelligence (MESI Methodology), Spiritual Intelligence (SISRI-24), and Emotional Intelligence (Hyde et al., 2020). The total number of nursing students that responded to the study was around one hundred thirty-seven (N = 137). The respondents’ social intelligence has a composite mean of 2.90, they often have social empathy (M=3.51), and hardly ever manipulate (M=2.15). Whereas, the result for spiritual intelligence suggests that the respondents strongly agree on personal meaning production (M = 3.31; SD = .471) or finding personal significance in experience and understanding the purpose of one’s life. Emotional intelligence is noteworthy that respondents agree (M=3.22) with both integrity (M = 3.40; SD = .460) and self-development (M = 3.40; SD = .460) got the highest mean followed by Commitment (M = 3.27; SD = .555) with the descriptive equivalent of strongly agree. The result of the study revealed there is a significant difference between spiritual intelligence and demographic profile, however emotional and social intelligence have no significance. In addition, the result shows that there is a significant relationship between Emotional, Spiritual, and Emotional Intelligence. It is suggested that more research should be done regarding the relationship between Social Intelligence, Emotional intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence.