HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 7 no. 1 (2020)


Jovin B. Totesora | Ronaldo L. Seras



The purpose of this study is to seek an answer to the ambiguous emotions of teachers regarding the blended learning approach in the new normal instruction. This qualitative research employing phenomenological research seeks to describe the feelings of teachers on the blended learning approach in the new normal instruction in Cabantian National High School. It gathered and worked with non-numerical information that deciphered significance from this information that helped and assisted us to comprehend social life through the investigation of focused populaces or spots. The seven participants of this investigation were coming from teachers or mentors. Teachers who served more than 15 years in service qualified as participants in the study. A semi-structured interview was employed in the study. The themes generated under the experiences of teachers on blended learning approach in the new normal education were hazy experiences with online training, positive attitude and timely professional development. The emotions felt by teachers on the blended learning approach in the new normal education showed urgent desire and anxiety over the possibility of inefficacy. At the same time, the coping mechanisms of teachers with the anxiety brought on by the use of blended learning instruction were emotional balance, adaptability to change and open communication. This study commended that the results of the study must be used as the basis for policy implementation for better experiences for the school community in terms of the blended learning approach in the new normal instruction.