HomeHealth Sciences Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2023)

An analytical cross-sectional study on the relationship of perceived social connectedness and burnout symptoms in medical students from a private tertiary institution in Metro Manila enrolled in an online curriculum for the academic year 2020-2021

Patrick Lorenzo Alvarez | Vashwin Amarnani | Jean Philippe Ambata | Isabella Gabrielle Anonas | Alexis Angelo Arboleda | Noah Arce | Thea Alissa Arceño | Ma. Isabella Arenas | Alexandria R. Bayaoa | Ramon Jason M. Javier



Introduction Online learning was put at the forefront for the safe continuation of education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This study determined the association of the level of social connectedness and symptoms of burnout in a purely online academic curriculum. Methods This analytical cross-sectional study design included medical students enrolled in a private tertiary institution in the National Capital Region as respondents in an online survey. The perceived social connectedness and symptoms of burnout were objectively measured, using previously validated questionnaires, the Social Connectedness Scale - Revised (SCS-R), and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). The prevalence risk ratio (PRR) was computed. Results Of the 119 respondents, majority reported reduced levels of social connectedness (72.3%) and experienced symptoms of burnout (85.7%). Among those with reduced levels of social connectedness (PRR: 1.25; 1.00, 1.55), there was a higher risk of having symptoms of burnout. Conclusion Amid the implementation of a purely online curriculum, medical students with reduced social connectedness had an increased risk of experiencing symptoms of burnout.


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