HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 1 no. 2 (2022)

Children’s Home Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lived Experiences of Selected Filipino Parents on Remote Learning

Christian Bryan De Dios

Discipline: Education



The COVID-19 outbreak in the Philippines has forced schools to shift to remote learning to protect the students from the risk of coronavirus, especially the schoolchildren. With the shift to remote learning, parents become as learning coach to their children’s learning needs. Despite the government efforts in improving the remote learning experiences of children and innovations in educational technology, the experiences of parents and children on remote learning have not been well described. The study employed consensual qualitative research (CQR) to explore and describe the children's remote learning experiences in the eyes of the parents. On the basis of purposive sampling, ten (N = 10) participants from Malabon City were invited for a semi-structured, face-toface interview. Within-case and cross-analyses were employed to analyze the data. Seventeen corresponding core ideas emerged were grouped into three major domains; a) positive learning experiences, (b) challenging experiences, and (c) learning strategies. The study concluded learning strategies as protective factors in managing the challenges of remote learning. The study suggests implications and recommendations for policymakers, educators, and mental health professionals. The findings serve as basis for the enhancement of current educational policies, considering the challenges faced by parents and children on remote learning


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