HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2022)

Changing Winds and Shifting Sands: Trails of Accessibility and Pedagogy

Tichie Ann Baena | Cristina Jumawan | Ma. Carol Tubog | Aizel Roshane Sienes

Discipline: Education



The main goal of this research is to assess the students’ observation on the abrupt shift of instruction delivery from face to face to online modality. This stemmed from the sudden emergence of the outbreak brought by COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Through the use of google forms, the researcher made a rapid online survey to assess the a) students’ assessment on the online class provided for them in terms of the access and use of technological tools; contribution to learning; online class delivery; difficulties in participating online class; b) identify aspects of the online class that were most useful or valuable to them; c) stipulate recommendations/suggestions do students have for SPUD administrators, deans, program chairs to help improve online classes; and d) state recommendations/suggestions they have for their subject teachers to help improve online classes to students. Findings show that students had fair access and use of technological tools with a composite mean of 2.50. As regards its contribution to learning, the students rated 2.48 (fair) to the level of skill/knowledge required to complete the online class. Another significant result shows that the over-all perception of the students as regards delivery of online class brought a neutral assessment with a rating of 3.15. In terms of difficulties, an access to stable internet connection got the highest rating of 3.63. All quantitative results were also validated with qualitative results. It was noted that the unit of categories found were in relation to learning outcomes, educational technology, teaching and learning activities, assessment procedures and values learned while the suggestions were mostly inclined to instructional resources, professional development of teachers, and school processes. Specifically, the respondents from different programs involved also identified diversely which of the aspects of the online class were most useful to them and the recommendations they have for the top management and their teachers. The results of the study call for logical recommendations which SPUD could possibly do to help improve the implementation of the online class.


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