HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 1 (2022)

Interactive Closure Activity Via Padlet in Grade School CLE Synchronous Class

Fanny Mae Mobida | Karen Samante | Joy Rebusto | Gee Marriel Gaputan | Vanessa Mae Engcong | Bernadette Olaer

Discipline: Education



As a step to improve the online learning experience for the pupils, this study titled “Interactive Closure Activity via Padlet in Grade School CLE Synchronous Class” focuses on improving the quality of CLE synchronous class experience through the incorporation of an online application called Padlet in the closure part of the lesson. This study focuses on finding out the effectiveness of using Padlet in a 3-to-5 minute closure activity, specifically on the frequency of responses and pupils’ quality of responses to the closure questions during a GS CLE synchronous class. The objectives of the study are: (1) How did the incorporation of Padlet in the closure part of a CLE lesson improve pupil-to-teacher interaction? and (2) How do pupils view their learning experience of using Padlet as a tool for their CLE synchronous closure activity? Feedback from students from the study of Small and Dowell (2012) suggested that tools that enable pupils to interact with each other are less important than tools that enable them to interact with their teacher and vice versa. The researchers used data from the Observation Forms, Survey Questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion to gather and analyze the results. The implication based on the findings of the study shows good feedback on using Padlet in a CLE Synchronous Class. In addition, the high and moderate result of participation displays how engaged the participants are when using Padlet. Thus, the finding showed how students are engaged with the use of Padlet which lead to wanting their teachers to continue using Padlet in their future class discussion. In conclusion, there is a High and Moderate degree of participation from the participants when using the Padlet and among their responses, all came out to be relevant in varying degrees of Fair, Good, and Very Good. The pupils are Moderately Familiar with Padlet, it is also Moderately Accessible to them, and they Moderately Preferred Padlet. From their FGD responses, the identified themes are Intuitiveness, Facilitates Expression, Accessibility, and Efficiency


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