HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 5 (2022)

The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) as a Tool of Office for Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Datu Raffy Ralph Sinsuat | Montadzah A. Abdulgani | Jonathan M. Mantikayan | Haron Mohamad

Discipline: Education



This study was steered to assess the effectiveness of Augmented Reality as a tool of Information for the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education. The main research strategy used in this study is the quantitative research approach. It was used to create and test mathematical models, ideas, and hypotheses about phenomena. The descriptive-correlational survey method was used. Research findings show that both attitudes towards using PlayIT Mobile Application; perceive usefulness and PlayIT Mobile Application Characteristics; information quality, service quality, and system quality do significantly impact PlayIT Mobile Application; intention to use, and user satisfaction. Thus, the null hypotheses are rejected. Given the limited research on augmented reality as a tool of information, this research study provides significant insights on the attitude, characteristics, and Play IT Mobile Application; intention to use, and user satisfaction.


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