HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2022)

Level of Anxiety in Speaking English Among College Students

Romeo Bordios Jr. | Ariel Miranda | Amelia Abdul | Jecyl Bless Almirol | Jesriel Mascud

Discipline: Education



The study described the level of anxiety in speaking English among college students in Notre Dame of Midsayap College. Additionally, it tried to determine the significant difference of the level of anxiety in speaking English when grouped accordingto sex. Anxiety is the focus of this study because it causes negative impacts on language learners who are likely to withdraw from classroom interactions. It results in low engagement in classroom activities; worse, no participation at all. This study utilized quantitative research design. Three (3) fields of speaking English anxiety were identified: (a) public speaking, (b) oral recitation, and (c) conversational dialogue. The data gathered were analyzed through a statistical program such as frequency, percentage distribution, weighted mean, and T-test. This study has found out that among the three (3) fields of speaking English anxiety, students have high anxiety in public speaking. Students have visible signs of nervousness in oral recitation, such as sweating palms. They are also conscious of their English pronunciation. It was also confirmed by this study that there is no significant difference of the level of anxiety in speaking English when grouped according to sex.


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