HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 7 (2022)

Smoking Cessation in Catholic Schools: A Phenomenological Study

Meraly Degillo

Discipline: Education



This qualitative – phenomenological research explored and analyzed the lived experience of smoking cessation among Catholic schools’ stakeholders. Using the Transtheoretical model of change and phenomenology, the experience of smoking cessation by the participants were found to have the following textural themes: kin and peer influence as an entry point for smoking; perceived negative effects as possible for health consequences of smoking; possible positive effects and experiences of smoking cessation; replacement strategies as ways done for smoking cessation; commitment to self as a drive for smoking cessation actions; maintaining regularly trained smoking cessation behaviors and intentions; self-efficacy as key to the termination of smoking behavior; and becoming better than before as the meaning of smoking cessation. The essence of smoking cessation can be metaphorically likened to the experience of leaving the smoke behind. The findings of the study imply that Catholic schools can serve as an agent of change and a facilitator of transformation for smokers who intends smoking cessation, and the awareness and protection of stakeholders from the dangers of smoking. Hence, this study recommends the use of Living the Smoke Behind Program as proposed intervention to be facilitated by the respective guidance offices of Catholic schools.


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