HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 7 (2022)

Work Values and Stress Levels of Selected Displaced Filipino Workers of COVID-19 Pandemic

Henmar Cardiño | Hector Perez

Discipline: Education



The economic crisis brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic directly impacted the growing numbers of displaced workers in the Philippines. This scenario motivates the researchers to conduct this study which has the primary objective to assess the work values and stress levels of selected displaced Filipino workers by the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines. Respondents are 57 displaced workers from six different regions of the country who completed the Work Values Inventory by Super (1970) and Perceived Stress Scale (1983) in February 2021. Achievement (M=13.46), Surroundings (M=13.42), Supervisory Relationships (M=13.37), Intellectual Stimulation (M=13.23), Way of Life (M=13.23), Economic Return (M=13.23), Security (M=13.12), Creativity (M=12.95), Altruism (M=12.88), Aesthetic (M=12.44), and Independence (M=12.28) are very important work values to the respondents, while Variety (M=12.18), Prestige (M=12.16), Associates (M=11.37), and Management (M=11.05) are considered as equally important. Study shows that respondents have a moderate level of stress (M=23.61), and there’s no significant relationship between work values and the level of stress (r=-.04) of displaced Filipino workers by the COVID-19 Pandemic.


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