HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 3 (2022)

Contextualized Based-Learning Materials: an Evaluation to Enhance the Reading Comprehension of the Grade 7 Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Remelyn Manlapaz | Shielo Cabahug | Ma Isabel Divina

Discipline: Education



The reading problem of the students is with word recognition and comprehension, in which the learners have difficulties with pronunciation, omission, or any other way of identifying the challenges of the non-readers and readers. This study aimed to determine and assess the level of reading comprehension of the involved participants through contextualized based-learning materials. Furthermore, this study employed a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design using the contextualized learning materials. The sampling population of the study were consisted of 415 Grade 7 students in all the sections of San Luis National High School and used the complete enumeration sampling based on the standard criteria along with the study. Based on the results, the students' pretest scores in the materials indicated average mastery, with a mean score of 42.41%. Whereas, the posttest means scores showed a large difference from the pretest mean scores, which were 77.35%, with a corresponding remark about moving towards mastery. This demonstrated that there was an improvement and a gain in score as a result of the process and assistance of FLAT. From the pretest, it has 42.41% and the posttest, 77.35%; therefore, the gain percentage is 34.94%. The mean performance score in English reflected the knowledge of the students before and after the assessment or the conduct of the study using the contextualized learning materials. In this case, the low results of the reading frustration level could be a sign or indication of the effectiveness of the learning materials when using the reading modules. The researcher recommends that the use of contextualized learning materials be institutionalized in the school to address the reading problems of the students.


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