HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 7 (2022)

Industrial Revolution Technology Adopted and Its Influence on the Operational Performance of Hospitality Industry in Guiuan Eastern Samar

Renalyn Buntalilio | Conrado Lombrio

Discipline: Education



The technology innovation transformed the way hotels do business, allowing them to save time, manpower, and workload. When looking for various hotel information, it is definitely available on the internet and can be accessed at any time and from any location via Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms. The main focus of this study was to assess the status of 4.0 Industrial Revolution Technology adopted by hotels in Guiuan, Eastern Samar. This study used a descriptivecorrelational method of research. This is descriptive research since it describes the existing conditions on the profile of hotel industry in terms of the use of social platforms, online engagement, online application, opportunities and challenges facing of hotels technology adoption. It is also a correlational study since it determined the relationship between the profile of hotel industry adoption and utilization and the operation performance of the hotels under study. In the profile of hotel industry in terms of social platforms the Facebook was the commendable social platforms used by hotels in Guiuan Eastern Samar. The study revealed that the respondent has less commendable used of online engagement and online application relative to Industrial Revolution 4.0. As for the challenges, the respondents were undecided on the positive influence of the 4.0 technology to their operational performance. However, the profile of the respondent was significantly related to the operational performance with index of correlation of 0.547 and p-value of .041 which was found to be significant at .05 level. Hence, the null hypothesis which stated that there was no significant relationship between the profile of hotel industry and the operational performance of the hotels was rejected. Thus, it is recommended that hospitality industry in Guiuan Eastern Samar should be responsive of the significance of the 4.0 Industrial revolution in all areas of hotel operation. Hence, the competition now a days focuses on modernization of hotel establishment. They need to educate their workforce about the value of the Industry 4.0 for the future and the initial steps that the organization needs to take toward the implementation. Moreover, adaptation of 4.0 Industrial Revolution increases hotel revenue and sales.


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