HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 3 (2022)

Caring for COVID-19 Positive Patients: The Case of Three Nurses in South Cotabato

Christian Jay Lumactod | Charles Dominic Ortigosa | Rica Mae Rabino | Jun Yang Badie

Discipline: Education



The study explored and described the experiences of nurses on caring for COVID-19 positive patients. The study gained insights from the three nurses in South Cotabato who are employed in a private hospital, government hospital, and isolation facility. This research featured a qualitative method. The purpose of the qualitative method is to reveal the multiple realities of the phenomenon via the participants retelling of their experiences. The design of the research was holistic multiplecase study as it aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon within the case boundaries, which is an intensive, transferrable understanding of the phenomenon. This method was appropriate for the study since the researchers sought to describe the experiences of nurses in South Cotabato in caring for COVID-19 positive patients. The researchers conducted an online interview in collecting the data. The results showed that in the case of the three nurses, care was manifested in two ways: the physical and non-physical ways. The nurses experienced both negative and positive challenges. The nurses defined caring as holistic and in caring for patients they felt bounded and ambivalent.


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