HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 10 (2022)

Parents’ Narratives as Home Learning Facilitators in the Modular Distance Learning

Junry Esparar | Xyzette Ganza | Analie Almaiz | Eden Joy Nifras | Rene Erillo | Jenelyn Argamaso | Blas Tabayag Jr | Elvie Verde | Romeo Poyogao | Angela Malala

Discipline: Education



This qualitative research studied and analyzed the parents’ narratives as Home Learning Facilitators in Modular Distance Learning. This study interviewed eighty-three (83) parents in Kabankalan City whose children are currently enrolled in Modular Distance Learning. Using the Phenomenological Method of Inquiry in gathering, coding, categorizing, and analyzing data, five major themes were derived from the study: (1) Difficulty in answering the modules, (2) Managing child’s behavior, (3) Time management and responsibilities, (4) Strategies and interventions, and (Self-realizations and reflection. Considering the careful analysis of the themes, the following conclusions were deduced: (a) modular distance learning was challenging in its first year of implementation due to several factors, (b) parents struggled to motivate and encourage their children, (c) parents struggled in balancing their work and facilitating learning, (d) parents creativity surfaced during the pandemic, and (e) parents realized the importance of commitment and full cooperation as important elements in the successful conduct of the Modular Distance Learning.


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