HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 4 (2023)

Labandero: A Qualitative Study on the Lived Experiences of Male Dry Cleaners Amidst Gendered Occupational Roles

Angeline Mechille Osinaga | Jhoremy Alayan | Cyron Jane Andaya | Arabelle Villanueva | Andrea Mae Santiago | Ken Andrei Torrero | Franz Cedrick Yapo

Discipline: Education



The gendered occupational role can have an impact on both employees and organizations they work for. This study aims to explore different sides and factors that are related to experience, challenges, and coping mechanisms of male dry cleaners amidst gendered occupational roles. The methodology used were: Heideggeran Phenomenology, Semi- structured Interview Guide, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) by van Kaam and modified by Moustakas. This st udy had 15 participants. Based on the data collected, the following themes were identified in this study; namely, (1) The Steadf ast, (2) and The Challenged. Likewise, the following sub themes were identified from the data- gathering and are based on their perspectives. Masculinity of a male laundry employee can really affect the perspective of an in dividual, the more the male look masculine the more that the people can easily conclude that his physique is not suitable on the jobs like laundry, because people always expect that men should work on a heavy work like truck, construction sites, etc.


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