HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 9 (2023)

Modular Instruction Modality: Its Effectiveness in the Lens of Students

Meridel Tinonas | Jennifer Jalique | Anna Mae Joy Tamon | Johna May Baltazar

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the modular instruction modality of Central Philippines State University in the lens of students. This study employed a descriptive study with 376 respondents obtained through stratified sampling. The study determined the student's demographic profile, extent, and level of effectiveness of modular instruction in clarity, constructive alignment, and content, and significant difference in extent and level of effectiveness of modular instruction modality when grouped to students' demographic profile. The study's respondents were the first-year and second- year students of ten campuses of CPSU who were enrolled in the school year 2020-2021. The level of effectiveness of modular learning in three areas was effective. There was a significant difference in the extent of modular learning in the three areas. In contrast, content showed a significant difference when grouped according to respondents' sex and campus. The same result was obtained regarding clarity when grouped according to respondents' course but not in terms of constructive alignment and content. However, when grouped to respondents' age and year level, the extent of modular learning in all aspects showed an insignificant result. There was a significant difference in effectiveness in the three areas when grouped according to campus and sex, except in clarity. However, when grouped according to respondents' age, course, and year level, the level of modular learning in all aspects showed no significant result. A significant relationship between the extent and level of effectiveness of modular instruction modality in all aspects were found.


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