HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 9 (2023)

Leadership and Managerial Capabilities of Secondary School Heads in the Division of Negros Occidental: Basis for Enhanced Capability Training Program

Nelson Bedaure | Jonnabelle Bedaure

Discipline: Education



This descriptive research attempted to assess the level of leadership and managerial capabilities of secondary school heads in the Division of Negros Occidental. Using the researcher-made questionnaire based on the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads, data were collected from 164 assessors comprised of secondary school heads, supervisors, and teachers in the Division of Negros Occidental. Descriptive analysis revealed very high leadership capabilities of secondary school heads in school leadership, instructional leadership, and creating a student-centered learning climate. It further showed very high managerial capabilities in human resource management and professional development, parent involvement, community partnership, and school management and operations. Inferential analysis revealed that the leadership capabilities of secondary school heads significantly differed in school leadership and in creating a student-centered learning climate domain. With the managerial capabilities of secondary school heads, significant differences showed in parent involvement and community partnership domain. It only indicates the competence, efficiency, and commitment of school heads. It further signifies their submission to the national mandate for them to have authority, accountability, and responsibility in the different dimensions of their academic jurisdiction.


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