HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 4 (2022)

The Core Behavioral Competencies, Work Attitudes and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers: Input for an Intervention Scheme

Rodel Cruzos

Discipline: Education



This descriptive correlational study aimed to explore the relationships between the core behavioral competencies, work attitudes, and teaching performance of the Senior High School teachers in the second district of the Division of Eastern Samar. The study involved 199 Senior High School teachers and answered survey questionnaires that solicit their demographic profiles, core behavioral competencies, and working attitude. Latest IPCR rating was also used to measure their teaching performance. Data gathered were analyzed using frequency, average, percentage, Point Biserial Coefficient, Eta Coefficient, and Pearson's Product-moment Correlation Coefficient with 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that among the 199 respondents, most of them were female, 26 to 30 years old, with regular permanent employment status, and mostly were Teacher II. Moreover, the majority had 4 to 7 years teaching experience, with master's unit, specializing in Social Sciences and teaching Social Sciences and Filipino. Moreover, the respondents exemplify role model in the different key behavioral abilities in self-management, professionalism and ethics, results focus, teamwork, service orientation, and innovation. In terms of the respondents' work attitudes, their sense of community, efficacy, and professional interest were all very positive. Also, among the 199 respondents, the majority of them exhibit very satisfactory teaching performance. It was also found in the study that the area of specialization and subjects taught is significantly related to the core behavioral competencies. At the same time, the sex, age, employment status, position, the total number of years in teaching, and educational attainment, illustrate no significant relationship. Meanwhile, only variable age found to be significant in the respondents' working attitude. Whereas sex, employment status, position, the total number of years in teaching, educational attainment, area of specialization, and subject taught illustrate no significant relationship. In addition, a significant relationship was found between the teacher's position, area of specialization, and teaching performance. Whereas sex, age, employment status, the total number of years in teaching, educational attainment, and subject taught illustrate no significant relationship. Lastly, core behavioral competencies, work attitudes, and teaching performance are strongly connected. Based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers maintain exemplary and good role models in manifesting the different core behavioral competencies by continuously and actively participating in relevant training, workshops, conferences, and forums initiated by the Department of Education or any sponsored programs that help to enhance the core behavioral competencies. The teacher must upgrade their teaching position could it either be a promotion or reclassifications by looking into the basic requirement in consonant to the DepEd policies and guidelines for promotion and reclassification of teacher’s position as the teaching position was found significant and as a contributory factor to the teaching performance of the teachers. The school principal must continue supporting teachers in their professional growth and development. The master teachers and head teachers must provide the subordinates the quality and efficient time in providing technical assistance, seeing that teachers do not only need intellectual and professional development; hence, teachers need behavioral-related activities, particularly in developing core behavioral competencies. Extensive implementation and monitoring of Learning Action Cell (LAC) and another form of school-based training and seminars for professional development.


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