HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 9 (2023)

Teachers’ Self-Compassion, Motivation, Engagement, and Commitment in the New Normal: Role to School Performance

Clarisse Ann Jessica De Ocampo

Discipline: Education



This study determined the influence of self-compassion, motivation, engagement and commitment of teachers in the New Normal on the performance of public elementary schools in the Division of Gapan City during the New Normal. With explanatory sequential mixed methods as research design and 487 teachers as respondents of the study, findings showed that the public elementary school teachers “sometimes to frequently” showed their self-compassion. Meanwhile, they correspond strongly to completely to their work tasks motivation. On the other hand, they agreed to strongly agreed that they are deeply engaged to their work at hand. Further, they agreed that they have organizational commitment in this New Normal. Majority of the school respondents registered school performance in terms of enrollment rate, promotion rate, retention rate, cohort survival rate and graduation rate of 100 percent. Majority of the school respondents registered school performance in terms of drop-out rate, school leavers rate, and repetition rate of 0.00 percent. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: There is a significant relationship between the self-compassion, work tasks motivation, engagement and organizational commitment of public elementary school teachers and their school performance.


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