HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 9 (2023)

Faculty Members’ Level of Psychological Empowerment and Its Relation to Job Performance and Satisfaction: Basis for a Proposed Faculty Development Program

Mary Jean Dela Peña

Discipline: Education



This study attempted to determine the level of faculty members’ psychological empowerment and its relation to job performance and satisfaction which served as basis for the development of a proposed faculty development program. The study was conducted in selected state universities and colleges in the National Capital Region. This study made use of the descriptive method of research with the survey questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument. Weighted mean, t test and Pearson r were utilized for data analysis. The study revealed that the level of the faculty members’ psychological empowerment as perceived by themselves is at a Very High Level (VHL) while the school heads rated it to a High Level (HL). Job performance and job satisfaction were both rated at a High Level (HL). It was also found that there is a significant relationship between the faculty members’ level of Psychological Empowerment in terms of Self-determination and Impact, and Job Performance. A significant relationship also exists between the faculty members’ level of Psychological Empowerment in terms of Self- determination, and Job Satisfaction in terms of Work Itself and Co-worker Relations. Findings show that the level of the faculty members’ psychological empowerment may have an effect on their job performance and satisfaction since psychological empowerment was positively correlated with both job satisfaction and performance.


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