HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 2 (2023)

Grade II Learners Early Language Literacy (ELL) in Modular Distance Learning at Simuay Junction Central Elementary School

Zenaida Zaniel | Haron Mohamad | Marissa Parcon

Discipline: Education



The quality learners’ early language literacy are the basic foundation for learning which is essential for academic performance and lifelong learning. This study aimed to determine the Grade II Learners Early Language Literacy (ELL) in Modular Distance Learning at Simuay Junction Central Elementary School. The researchers used qualitative methods employing phenomenology to delineate the perspectives and challenges experienced by the teachers, parents and learners themselves during the modular distance learning. The participants of the study were seven (7) Grade-II Pupils, seven (7) Grade II teachers, and seven (7) parents. The semi-structured research questionnaire was utilized during the interview process. Thus, it also investigated the challenges in early language literacy through modular distance learning. Colaizzi’s seven steps strategy in data analysis in phenomenological methods was utilized to provide a rigorous analysis with each step (1) Staying close to the data. (2) Transcripts were read repeatedly (3) Significant statement (4) Formulated meanings (5) Cluster themes (6) Developing exhaustive description (7) Producing the fundamental structure and seeking verification of the fundamental structure to extract thematic analysis. Finally, the findings of the study revealed six (6) important themes: 1.) Parents’ Assistance, 2.) Siblings’ Assistance, 3.) Teachers’ Assistance, 4.)Difficulty in Reading and Writing, 5.) Poor Word Recognition 6.) Difficulties in Blending words. Furthermore, the suggested solutions to address challenges are, parents’ assistance, restriction of gadgets, enrichment activities in the module, face to face modality and Phonetic Alphabet Translation. it is concluded that, Modular Distance Learning can be a tool in learning early language literacy which includes reading and writing, learner to learner interaction and enrichment activities. However, it is quietly challenging to the part of the learners, teachers and parents. Hence, the assistance of adult learners at home like parents and siblings seemingly addressed the challenges in the modular distance learning.


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