HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 2 (2023)

The Psychological Well-Being and Lived Experiences of LGBT Individuals with Fur Babies

Franz Cedrick Yapo | Janna Isabella Baloloy | Rey Ann Fem Plaza | Charles Brixter Evangelista | Micaiah Andrea Lopez | Angeline Mechille Osinaga | Ken Andrei Torrero | Jhoselle Tus

Discipline: Education



Pets are truly great companions. Some individuals feel that owning a pet can help them prepare for a growing family by giving them a taste of what it would be like to have children. This study also looks into the psychological well-being and life experiences of LGBT fur parents. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of this study were: (1) With the presence of fur babies, participants had the ease to overcome stressful events, especially the ones that affect their mental health. With these, they have the desire to take care of their fur babies under all circumstances because they see their fur babies as family members. Fur babies are excellent sources of motivation, confidence, and happiness for fur parents. They are treated as family members because they contribute to the mental and emotional aspects of fur parents. Moreover, the majority of respondents valued their pets far more than their actual family members, however, some didn't spend as much time with their relatives and friends. This study comes to the conclusion that a stronger bond with one's dog was also linked to higher anxiety about being unloved and rejected by family members and people surrounding us, which was linked to a heavier impact on one's psychological well-being. In reality, fur parents, especially LGBT parents, offer their fur babies a lot of love and attention compared to other things.


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