HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 5 (2023)

Parental Socialization, Peer Influence, Self Control and Financial Literacy as Determinants of Saving Behavior of the Workforce of a State College in Davao De Oro

Ernan Leal

Discipline: Education



Understanding individual savings in a developing country such as the Philippines is beneficial since developing countries need to create the funds necessary for investment and mobilize public and private funds for speedy development. The purpose of this study was to determine whether parental socialization, peer influence, self-control, and financial literacy significantly influence the saving behavior of a workforce of a State College in Davao de Oro, Philippines. The researcher used the descriptive-correlational research design. The respondents of the study are 205 purposively chosen faculty members and non- teaching staff in four campuses. The survey questionnaire used was adapted. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as Pearson r and regression analysis. Findings reveal that parental socialization, financial literacy, and self-control of the respondents are evident. However, peer influence is only fairly evident. On the other hand, their saving behavior is favorable. Furthermore, parental socialization, peer influence, self-control, and financial literacy could significantly influence saving behavior. Forty-one percent of the variation of saving behavior could be attributed to the combined influence of these four factors.


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