HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 10 (2023)

Digital Transformation in Education: Its Effect on the Well- Being of Teachers at NotreDame of Midsayap College

Kristine Jade Lopez | Sergio Mahinay Jr. | Kristine Marie Judicpa | Mark John Manahan | John Paul Calawigan | Missy Grace Sison | Keith Shelly Ygay | Johanna Tapalla | Aldom Malolot | Emelito Munar Jr. | Eugene Mabit

Discipline: Education



The gist of this study is the digital transformation in education and its effect on the well-being of the teachers at Notre Dame of Midsayap College. This study made use of descriptive, causal-comparative, and correlational designs. It described the personal profiles of the respondents, their level of digital transformation, and their well-being. It also determined whether there is a significant difference in the level of digital transformation and well-being of the respondents when they are grouped according to their sex and age. Additionally, it endeavored to determine if there is a significant relationship between the level of digital transformation and the respondent’s well-being. The results showed that the level of digital transformation of the respondents is high, and the level of well-being of the respondents is good. Moreover, results revealed no significant difference in the level of digital transformation and well-being of the respondents when they were grouped according to their sex and age. Finally, the findings showed a weak positive correlation between digital transformation and respondents' well-being and that such a relationship is insignificant.


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