HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 10 (2023)

Extent and Effectiveness of Mathematics Intervention Strategies: Their Relationship to the Academic Performance of Students

Jeva Cabrestante | Evelyn Lopez

Discipline: Education



This study aims to ascertain the extent as well as the effectiveness of Mathematics intervention strategies in addressing student’s difficulties in Mathematics as well as its relationship to their academic performance. Frequency counts and percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation, mean rank, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman-rho were used to analyze the data gathered, using the purposive sampling technique. Intervention strategies including Think-Paire Share, Individualized Student Activity, Drill and Practice, Peer Mentoring, Games, Learners Activity Sheet, ICT-Based Mentoring, and Home Visitation were found to have significant relationship with the extent of implementation by the teachers and its effectiveness in Mathematics. Furthermore, the study found that all intervention strategies utilized by the teachers in teaching Mathematics were Effective to improved student performance in Mathematics. Moreover, the study also discovered that there was a significant difference on the effectiveness of the intervention strategies employed by teachers in terms of ICT based instruction according to sex which denotes that students’ perspective on the effectiveness of ICTbased mentoring differed. However, when grouped according to school ICT-based mentoring it was found not to be significant in terms of its effectiveness. These effective strategies must be incorporated and institutionalized into the subject’s curriculum. This study concludes that the interventions strategies utilized by teachers are effective to improve students’ performance in Mathematics. It is expected that the results of this study may contribute to the improvement of programs and intervention strategies in helping students overcome barriers in learning the content of the subject.


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