HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 10 (2023)

Causes and Coping Strategies of Stuttering Students in Speaking English

Tohamie Ugalingan | Lydia Bawa | Roldan Carpisano | Albaina Akmad | Munaima Mentato | Parid Manakan | Datu Raffy Ralph Sinsuat | Haron Mohamad

Discipline: Education



Stuttering is a chronic communication disorder resulting in challenging life experiences for many individuals. This qualitative study aimed to examine the Causes and Coping Strategies of the selected students who are stuttering in Speaking English at Nabalawag High School in Midsayap North Cotabato. The Collaizzi’s (1978) Seven steps strategy in data analysis in phenomenological was utilized to provide rigorous analysis.The purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants relevant to the research study they were (3) three students, (3) three teachers, and (3) three parents. Thus, small group of people selecting participants were resulted in better data and easier for the researchers to build close relationships with the participants during in-depth interview employing semi-structure research questionnaire made by the researchers’ to explicit the data gathered relevant to the research study. The findings of the study revealed that there are some causes why do students stutter in speaking English. It includes their hesitation to speak English, afraid of committing slip; errors, mistakes, unfamiliar words, they tend to to be bullied by their peers, lack of confidence in speaking as well as the physical feature of their tongue affects the way they utter words. The researchers concluded that the causes of stuttering students in speaking English had been lessened by doing some strategies such as need enough time to practice themselves to speak constant use of English words, socialize with others, and enhance interpersonal skills. Also, proper motivation, engagement, inspiration, confidence, and interest towards learning in speaking English.


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