HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 10 (2023)

Contribution of Digitized Video-Audio Lesson with Self-Learning Module to the Kindergarteners’ Readiness in the New Normal Setting

Fatimah Salic | Vilma Arazo

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to determine the contributions of digitized video – audio lesson with self – learning module to the kindergarteners’ in the new normal setting in Dimayon Elementary School, Lanao del Norte in school year 2020 – 2021. The study used the descriptive–correlation research design describing the age, gender, facilitator, civil status, highest educational attainment, family monthly income, and occupation of the respondents. This was also correlation design since the socio- economic profile of the respondents and the contribution of digitized video-audio lesson with self-learning module were correlated to the description and Kindergarteners’ Readiness Based on their ECCD Checklist. The resulting data were analyzed using frequency count, percentage, and mean, standard deviation and Pearson Product moment of correlation. Results showed that the digitized video–audio lesson with self–learning module had shown to provide substantial assistance, learning, and readiness for the learners and respondents. The accumulated data regarding the assessed effect or relation of the respondent’s socio demographic profile to their readiness had all resulted to ‘not significant’ which implied that the readiness or generally the learning of the students were not affected by their socio – demographic profile. Moreover, there was no significant relationship between respondent’s socio-demographic profile and kindergarteners’ readiness. Further, there was no significant relationship between the contributions of digitized video-audio lesson with selflearning module and kindergarteners’ readiness. The kindergartener’s readiness was beyond beginner level which meant that their previous traditional learning had aided significantly in their basic literacy.


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