HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 8 (2023)

Online Teaching Skills and Online Teaching Readiness Among Secondary School Teachers: Basis for the Development of Competency Enhancement Program

Lorelyn Penaredonda | Julieta Nabos

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to evaluate the level of skills and readiness in online teaching of secondary school teachers in Santa Cruz North District, Division of Marinduque. The level of competencies of secondary teachers in using online teaching platform in terms of technical skills, communication skills, creativity skills, and content skills were given emphasis. The study also determined the level of teachers’ readiness in the utilization of online teaching platforms. An investigation on the relationship between the level of competencies and teachers’ readiness for online teaching was also included and an important part of the study. The descriptive type of research was employed in the conduct of the study using a researcher-made questionnaire validated by DepEd specialists in this field. The respondents of this study were all the secondary school teachers from the seven schools of Santa Cruz North District. Complete or total enumeration was employed for 126 respondents. Data gathered were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and mean in terms of teachers’ level of skills and readiness in online teaching. When it comes to scale items or indicators, weighted mean was employed. On the other hand, in determining the relationship of online teaching skills and the teachers’ readiness in online teaching, Spearman Rho Correlation was used since the data gathered is an ordinal data. SPSS Software was utilized in doing the statistical tests. The study revealed that Santa Cruz North secondary teachers are competent in technical skills, communication skills, creativity skills, and content skills. Based on the analysis, these skills are needed to be addressed for the teachers to be highly competent in online teaching. The study also discloses the fact that in terms of online teaching-learning readiness, teachers agreed that they are ready to teach online as shown by their self-assessment in the following dimension: computer/internet self-efficacy, self-directed learning, teacher’s control, motivation for teaching, and online communication self-efficacy. Since it was found out that the readiness of the teachers in online teaching depends on their online teaching skills, the said skills must be honed more for them to become highly ready. Study also manifested that there is a significant relationship between online teaching skills among teachers and their readiness for online teaching, thus, the null hypothesis was rejected.


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