HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 6 (2023)

Unraveling the Lingering Truths: Accounts of Women in Men-Dominated Societal Spaces

Beatrice Koreen Magbanua | Nicolas Miguel Labrador | Esther Lyra Belle Bangi | Mariel Joy Mosquera | Edrian Jay Jabel | Jasmin Domato | Kier Garcia | Jonathan Peñaflor | Fritz Gerard Mondragon

Discipline: Education



The study focuses on the exploration of the challenges experienced by some women in men-dominated societal spaces, specifically in the household and workplace in the municipality of Midsayap, North Cotabato, Philippines. The 5 participants were identified through non-probability sampling, specifically purposive sampling. The study employed qualitative research, specifically narratology. The result showed that most of the participants experienced gender inequality and discrimination. However, the coping mechanisms of the participants just as respect verbally expressing their opinions, and ignoring people’s negative comments helped them to excel and have their capabilities visible in the community. The study exhibited evident manifestations of discrimination, gender stereotyping, and gender inequality. Thus, the study enlivens awareness of the underlying realities of women even in this new era.


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