HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 3 (2022)

The Untold Stories Behind the Preparation of Video Lessons: A Phenomenology

Anwar Mondong | Ana Margarita Agao-Agao

Discipline: Education



This study determined the different problems encountered, and technical assistance given to the elementary grade English teachers in preparing video lessons at Sero Central School during the school year 2021 – 2022. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: What are the problems encountered by the teacher during the preparation of Video Lessons in terms of instruction; assessment; and assignment? What technical assistance in preparing video lessons is received by the teachers from the Cotabato City Division? Based on the findings, what training design about video lesson preparation can be made? This qualitative study utilized thematic analysis in the interpretation of data. Results showed that the encountered challenges of the elementary grade English teachers in preparing video lessons when giving instructions were the restriction in elaborating the lesson because of the ready – made scripts as well as the limited time duration of the video lessons. The next problems encountered by the elementary grade teachers in preparing video lessons in English when giving assessment were the following: lack of adequate time allotted in each activity, some directions made were ambiguous with less emphasis, and the activities failed to measure the critical thinking skills of the learners. Lastly, there are two problems that emerged in preparing video lessons in English in terms of giving assignment. First that the assignments do not conform to the lessons tackled, and there are inconsistencies of the assignments reflected in the modules and video lesson. The provided technical assistance from the Cotabato City division to the elementary grade teachers in preparing video lesson were lecture and orientation about video editing with no actual workshop for the teachers. On the other hand, the division also provided some equipment in making video lessons.


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