HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

Rediscovering the Literary Forms of Surigao: A Collection of Legends, Riddles, Sayings, Songs and Poetry

Rowella Parrucho

Discipline: Education



Literature plays a vital role in the identity of particular groups of people because it contains their traditions, values, beliefs, and aspirations. It is also a medium through which we can study and understand the culture of that particular group of individuals. This research utilized the qualitative method in gathering the data regarding the Collection of the Literary Forms of Surigao. Findings revealed that the Surigaonons possess a variety of literary forms to flaunt their rich cultural heritage. Sad to say, this rich cultural heritage was gradually losing its value, respect, and identity because the present generation is focused on the influences of Western culture. Furthermore, most of the literary works of the Surigaonon especially the present ones were written in their own dialect. The Surigaonon language allowed its members to transmit culture from one generation to the other. But some changes in language shift were noted in the transition from the traditional to modern society. Some foreign words or expressions have been integrated and slowly replaced the indigenous dialect. Notably, language is the medium of literature. It is what makes literature distinct from the other


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