HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 9 (2022)

Unfolding the Saga of Online ESL Teachers: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study

Milagros Aurea Sabidalas | Junry Esparar

Discipline: Education



This study investigated and thoroughly analyzed the saga of Online ESL Teachers. Using Collaizi’s Descriptive Phenomenological Data Analysis, the researchers interviewed eight (8) Online ESL Teachers who are currently employed in various Online Companies offering English as a Second Language to foreign students. Adapting the seven steps of Collaizi – Familiarization, Identification of Significant Statements, Formulation of Meanings, Group Related Concepts, Creation of Extensive Description, Creation of Basic Structure, and Validation of the Fundamental Structure, the researchers were able to extract the five (5) themes namely: (a) The significant experiences of Online ESL, (b) The incentives of Online ESL Teaching, (c) Opportunities for learning and development, (d) Challenges and difficulties, and (e) The meaning of these experiences. Based on the findings and related studies, the following conclusions were derived: Firstly, Online ESL Teaching provides vast opportunities for teachers for personal, professional, and financial growth. Secondly, Online ESL teaching serves as a perfect avenue for teachers to harness their skills while achieving financial independence. Thirdly, the leadership competencies of Online ESL teachers can be enhanced through mentorship and coaching. Fourthly, developing self-mastery is vital in ensuring quality lesson delivery in the context of Online ESL Teaching. Lastly, reflective teaching is necessary to find true meaning in the Online ESL Teacher’s existence.


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