HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 9 (2022)

Contextualized Worktext in Contemporary Issues for Grade 10 Students

Julie Ann Lauro

Discipline: Education



The study focused on the development of contextualized worktext in contemporary issues for Grade 10 students at Lagundi- CCL National High School during the School Year 2019-2020. The researcher employed descriptive-developmental and experimental methods utilizing twenty-four (24) teacher-respondents who evaluated the developed learning materials and forty-four (44) students. The findings showed that the acceptability of the developed contextualized worktext was Strongly Acceptable. In addition, the level of performance of the student-respondents before the exposure to the developed materials was Fairly Satisfactory while after exposure majority of them fell in Very Satisfactory. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the level of performance of the students as revealed in their pre-test and post-test results. Meanwhile, the evaluators suggested that the worktext shall be arranged from simple to complex topics and other technical aspects shall be checked to further improve the contextualized worktext in Araling Panlipunan 10.


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