HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 6 (2022)

Problems Encountered by Learners in Accomplishing Their Self-Learning Modules

Nick Gador

Discipline: Education



Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, face-to-face learning between students and instructors has been halted throughout the institution. This epidemic has made it possible to implement modular distance learning as an instant response to ensure educational continuity. The Philippines is currently in the process of adjusting to the new normal form of education, and the success of this process depends on educators' ongoing innovations and the active participation of other stakeholders. The key purpose of this research was to find out the problems encountered by learners in accomplishing their selflearning modules in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Carol-an National High School (CNHS) during the School Year 2020-2021. Using a quantitative approach, the researcher conducted surveys to the 36 grade nine students to discover the issues that these learners encountered when accomplishing their self-learning modules. The data were interpreted and coded using frequency and percentage distribution. Findings showed that learners found it hard to understand the self-learning module in terms of instruction and content. In addition, they had difficulty accomplishing the self-learning modules in terms of activities. In conclusion, the study found that grade nine (9) students taking the modular distance learning modality have experienced the hard aspects of understanding and accomplishing the self- learning modules in terms of instruction, content, and activities. The results of this study could be used to improve the current educational programs and establish best practices for the use of modular distance learning


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