HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 5 (2022)

Employability Status of Students in the Graduate School of ESSU Guiuan

Sherralyn Lacay | Conrado Lombrio

Discipline: Education



The researchers have initiated and conducted this tracer study to understand how well Eastern Samar State University's Guiuan campus has achieved its vision, mission, and goals reflected in the graduate programs' competencies. This study determines the respondents' employment status and job level before and after obtaining their master's degree. There is a total of 78 graduates across the five programs from 2017 – 2018 to 2019–2020. However, only 62 were traced and participated. A quantitative design and descriptive survey were employed, covering the respondents' demographic profile, employment status, and job level before and after obtaining their master's degree at Eastern Samar State University, Guiuan Campus. This reveal that most of the respondents from the MAED – EM, MAED – KE, MAM, MSHM – HRM, and MAIT programs are single and live in Guiuan. Furthermore, the respondent's employment status shows that most graduates are already employed and only 3% of the respondents work as part-timers or self-employed. There was a significant change in the respondents' job level after they obtained a master's degree. With this, 84% of the respondents work as professional and technical supervisors, while 13% work as managers and executives. Lastly, only 3% of the respondents work in clerical or rank positions. It was recommended that the graduate school must conduct benchmarking to other universities to strengthen its curriculum in line with the policies and guidelines of the Commission on Higher Education and conduct programs that will help increase the number of enrollees and the number of graduates. Also, partnerships and collaborations must be set up with government or non-government agencies locally or internationally.


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