HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 6 (2023)

Sports and Recreation Activities at Home of Elementary School Pupils in Alabat District, Division of Quezon: Implication to the Formulation of Physical Education Curriculum in the New Normal

Geus Deunar Declaro

Discipline: Education



This study determined sports and recreation activities of Grade 6 pupils at home during pandemic. Specifically, it sought to find out the demographic characteristics of the respondents; the activities of the respondents at home in terms of sports and recreation activities; how the respondents perform the sports and recreation activities at home in terms of duration, companion, equipment, place and time; what learning topic in PE 6 curriculum do these sports and recreation activities are aligned; and what do the findings of the study may imply to the formulation of PE curriculum in the new normal. Based in the findings of the study, It was revealed that most of the respondents’ parents graduated from secondary high school, Alabat Central Elementary School got the highest number of 4Ps member. Grade 6 is the common household member, parent/guardian provides instructional support, smartphone is use for educational purposes, mobile data is the most common way to connect to the internet, and poor internet connection is the most challenging hindrance affecting the child’s learning process through distance education. Moreover, the activities of the respondents at home in terms of sports are basketball, volleyball, badminton and swimming. For recreation activities, it includes biking, running/walking and dancing. The duration, companion, equipment, place and time are essential elements that affect the sports and recreation activities of Grade 6 pupils in Alabat District. In the new normal setup where modular distance learning is employed, the 1st and 2nd quarter can be modified to specific sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton and swimming. Meanwhile, for recreation activities, the 3rd and 4th quarter 5 can be modified to biking, running/walking and dancing.


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