HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 1 (2023)

Biyaheng Padyak: the Psychological Well-Being, Experiences and Challenges Faced by Senior Citizen Cyclists

Liezl Fulgencio | Krizia Joie Navales | Shearlene Manalo | Galilee Jordan Ancheta | Andrea Mae Santiago | Jericho Balading | Jayra Blanco | Christian Dave Francisco | Charles Brixter Evangelista

Discipline: Education



Cycling is one of the typical recreational activities, transportation, and sport among elderly adults in the Philippines. Based on the study, cycling provides many benefits to physical health, promotes well-being, contributes to improved quality of life, and is a great way for elderly adults to prevent depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. As cycling becomes more prevalent during pandemics, the road has changed to include adding more bicycle lanes. Thus, the researchers explore the lived experiences of senior cyclists, specifically: (1) to describe the experiences, (2) challenges, and (3) coping mechanisms. Correspondingly, the study used fifteen (15) participants in an Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis (IPA) procedure. The following findings are drawn from the study: (1) Most of the senior cyclists experienced life-threatening events while cycling, they experienced a high level of satisfaction and happiness, (2) Most senior cyclists are not bothered by the difficulties that others might view as a barrier to them continuing to pedal with passion. (3) Despite all the obstacles they may encounter, senior cyclists choose to get through those challenges by being understanding, patient, and calm.


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