HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 2 (2023)

Teachers' Negotiating Skills and Parents' Participation in School Activities: Basis for Teachers' Engagement Manual

Jeremiah Paul Manuel | Fermae Tamayao

Discipline: Education



This study aims to determine the relationship of the teachers’ negotiating skills to the parents’ participation to school activities. It utilized a descriptive research design to determine the relationship between two variables. A self-made instrument based on the Thomas-Kilmann Models of Conflict Negotiation style and a portion on surveying the parents’ participation in the setting of the study was constructed and validated. The gathered data was analyzed through quantitative tools. Based on the results, there was no relationship between the profiles of the respondents to their negotiating approach. It was also found out that those who have accommodating approaches have better participation from their parents. This study recommends the construction of a teachers’ engagement manual which would be helpful in dealing with conflicts with parents to help the participation of the parents to grow in number.


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