REACT: A Change Management Model for Rural Community Colleges in the Philippines
Jordan Pocaan | Hennie Lomibao | Emil Broñoso
Discipline: Education
Management skills and organizational issues are considered predictors in developing a change
management plan. Compared to other countries, community colleges in the Philippines are run by local
municipalities; in which schools from 3rd and 4th class municipalities face problems. In connection,
this study explores the management skills and organizational issues of rural community colleges in the
Philippines as a basis for developing a change management plan. The study used sequential explanatory
mixed methods research that has undergone two phases of data collection and analysis. It first
collects and analyzes quantitative data using survey questionnaires, followed by qualitative data
collection through focus group discussion (FDG). The study's results explain that the different
management skills of administrators, faculty, and non-teaching aligned with the four organizational
cultures -clan, market, adhocracy, and hierarchy. It also discusses the core issues of rural community
colleges on organizational performance and adaptability, organizational weakness, and internal
conflict. Based on the findings, the study also develops the REACT model of a change management
plan. The study highlights the need for rural community colleges to adopt change management based
on their management skills and targets their organizational issues. Additional funding, support
programs, and faculty and employee manual development are recommended.
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