HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 2 (2022)

Workplace Harassment: the Realities of the Victims

Lydia Araneta

Discipline: Education



This phenomenological study looks into the experiences of victims of workplace harassment; and how it affects them, their work performances and relationships with others. Paricipants came from various professions, purposively chosen and consented to either an audio recorded face-to-face or virtually recorded interview. In analyzing the data, thematic analysis was used following the common six-step process: familiarization, coding, generating, reviewing, defining and naming themes and writing-up. Results show that the forms of harassment experienced by the participants are psychological, personal, power, cyber/on-line, verbal, discriminatory and sexual. Moreover, harassment evokes strong negative emotions and thinking. Participants withdraw from others, perceived to have tarnished reputation and jeopardized mental well-being. In terms of work performance, participants lack motivation and are anxiety-laden at work. With a toxic working environment, participants mistrust their perpetrators although they remain professional dealing with them. One note-worthy finding in this study is that two participants opt for pro-active behaviors, such as being focused and challenged. This implies that personal dispositions of targeted victims play a major role on how they would react. Hence, those victimized must be encouraged to take harassment asa challenge and prove their perpetrators wrong.


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