HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 2 (2022)

Flattening the Curve: Narrative Analysis of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Experiences During the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Teofilo Damoco | Gregerlin Lambenicio

Discipline: Education



The COVID-19 epidemic affected all aspects of human existence, including pre-service English teacher preparation courses. This study employed qualitative narrative inquiry to investigate the stories of potential English teachers who utilized online learning during the outbreak. Nine aspiring English teachers consented to participate in the study. In two stages, data was collected. The students' required professional course reflections on their experiences in synchronous and asynchronous classes were evaluated first. Then, an interview was done to understand their written narratives better, and a focus group discussion was undertaken to align the researcher's understanding with the informants' perspectives on the analyses' findings. The research ensured compliance with ethical standards by submitting the study protocols to a streamlined review by the College Research Ethics Committee. To protect the identities of the informants, they were given pseudonyms based on biblical figures. The data analysis generated four themes: "climbing the ravines," which describes the difficulties; "under their wings," which describes the system of support; "the David-Goliath battle remake," which describes the coping mechanisms used; and "flattening the curve," which highlights the celebrations of the successes and realizations of English language engagement during the pandemic. This study's findings contribute to the knowledge community’s understanding of the involvement of pre-service English instructors and offer suggestions for enhancing programs that improve student wellness and resiliency.


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