HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 3 (2023)

Trigonometry Instructional Video Development in Mathematics Instruction

Jecelyn Ceremonia-Cerda*

Discipline: Education



This study set out to create a mathematics educational video in order to assess the level of acceptance between teachers and students of trigonometry-specific mathematics instructional videos. Six Trigonometric Ratios, Angle of Elevation and Depression, and Handling Oblique Triangle Issues are some of the topics covered. It serves as a support for both professors who are instructing this subject and students who are studying mathematics. They benefit from it since it acts as an additional resource, particularly for the many teaching methods used in education. The mixed method utilized in this study entails collecting and examining both quantitative and qualitative data. The study also made use of the Analysis, Design, and Development Phase (ADD) of the ADDIE paradigm. The required materials were analyzed using the ADD model, and an instructional video was created from the viewpoint of a teaching specialist. additionally creating the instructional film in accordance with the survey questionnaire's results. The study's findings indicated that students' levels of acceptability were Extremely Acceptable, with a median score of 4.63. While the median result of 4.50 for the teachers indicates that it is Extremely Acceptable. As a result, it means that the trigonometry-specific mathematics instructional video has been developed and is ready to be tested in classrooms. This will allow for an evaluation of the video's efficacy in assisting students in their learning of mathematics as a supplement to other learning modalities.


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